
Citations of recent PLF publications authored by UTK-PLF Team Members

E.T. Psota, E.K. Luc, G.M. Pighetti, L.G. Schneider, R.T. Trout Fryxell, J.W. Keele, L.A. Kuehn. Development and validation of a neural network for the automated detection of horn flies on cattle, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Volume 180, 2021, 105927, ISSN 0168-1699,

  • Eckelkamp, E. and J. Bewley. 2020. On-farm use of disease alerts generated by precision dairy technology. J. Dairy Sci. 103:1566-1582.
  • Eckelkamp, E. A. 2019. Invited Review: Current state of wearable precision dairy technologies in disease detection. Appl. Anim. Sci. 35:209-220.

  • Li, G., Y. Huang, Z. Chen, G.D. Chesser, J.L. Purswell, J. Linhoss, Y. Zhao. 2021. Practices and applications of convolutional neural network-based computer vision systems in animal farming: A review. Sensors, 21, 1492.