Graduate Research Assistant / M.S. Opportunity in Precision Technology and Animal Welfare
Precision technology, or precision livestock farming, has gained much attention in recent years. One unexplored avenue is the use of precision technology in conjunction with animal welfare measurements (hygiene, body condition score, locomotion scoring, etc.). The focus of this research will be applied usefulness of precision technology animal measurements to augment visual animal welfare assessments. An additional focus will be the perception of dairy producers on the usefulness of precision technologies to fulfill this task.
Students in the Eckelkamp lab will be provided the opportunity to learn about the dairy industry, data collection, collaboration with other specialties across campus, present their research at national meetings, and to develop communication and interpersonal skills. For more information about the Eckelkamp lab, interested applicants should visit utdairy.tennessee.edu. This M.S. student position also provides full tuition, a stipend, and Graduate Student benefits. In turn, students will contribute to extension publications, research articles, and direct producer outreach. A variety of degree backgrounds should be a sufficient starting point for this MS position, but a knowledge of animal science and baseline knowledge of dairy cattle and animal handling will be beneficial.
Interested applicants should submit a brief letter describing the basis for their interest, along with a curriculum vitae, copies of their undergraduate transcript, and contact information for three references to: Dr. Liz Eckelkamp, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Science, using the e-mail address eeckelka@utk.edu. Applicants may also reach Dr. Eckelkamp by e-mail or phone (865-974-8167) with any questions, if necessary. View or download the file